Monday, October 4, 2010

Homemade animal trap

So yesterday I made a live trap, aka "box trap".  I am having a possum problem. They eat all the cat food for the cats. It was constructed out of scrap wood i had laying around the garage. I used some steel hardware cloth for the sides and a simple trap door design.  I baited it with cat food.
   Well this morning after work, (I work 3rds) I went out by the barn to check the trap. It had been set off so that the door was shut. I noticed a lot of chewing and scratching on the inside and the door area. Then soon notice the hole in the wire side where the animal had escaped. Urgh!.  I simply repaired and upgraded the box and reset and baited. So hopefully in the morning I will check it and find that pesty critter.


  1. Nice trap! We learn from our "design flaws" and continue to improve! I'll keep watching for new developments!

  2. Very nice trap. I do not like to use deadly poisons for getting rid of live animals. This type of traps will not injure the animal. Thanks for showing the nice trap.

    live animal trap
